Sales Price

The sales price is listed in United States Dollar (USD $), including tax.

Payment Methods and Timing

Payment MethodsFees and Payment Timing
Credit CardFee:No fee for single payments.
Payment Timing:Payment will be confirmed when the order is finalized.
PayPalFee:No transaction fee.
Payment Timing:Payment will be confirmed when the order is finalized.
Apple PayFee:No transaction fee.
Payment Timing:Payment will be confirmed when the order is finalized.
Google PayFee:No transaction fee.
Payment Timing:Payment will be confirmed when the order is finalized.

Product Delivery Timing and Download Limit

Access to downloadable products will be automatically granted after payment is completed.

There are no limits on the number of downloads or expiration date. In case of download errors, please contact us via the inquiry page or email. We will address the issue promptly.

Refunds and Returns

Refunds and returns will be handled in accordance with our separate Refund and Return Policy.

Contact Information

Address:297-1 Wada, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan 〒390-1242

Phone Number:080-7703-2316

You can also contact us through the inquiry page.

Other Matters

For any other matters not mentioned above, we will provide information without delay upon request at the time of transaction.